It is well known that inside roulette bets can be many times higher. But had to exchange with the risk of losing all bets in the blink of an eye Inside playing roulette has the following playing rules:

– Straight up
or placing bets straight Is to UFABET bet on what numbers will be issued in this round. Then place the chip into that number box. Straight up betting, we will have a chance of winning 1 in 37, or about 3%. The payout rate is 35 times, excluding capital.
– Split
It is one of the multiple number overlapping bets. In which split bets can choose only 2 numbers that are adjacent to either side, such as exit 2 or 3, exit 2 or 5, etc. by placing the chip on the line between the number boxes, split bets, we will have a chance to win. 2 in 37 or about 5%, the payout rate is 17 times excluding capital.
– Street
It is one of the multiple number overlapping bets. Which is a bet on a row of 3 numbers, such as exiting 1, 2, 3 or exiting 25, 26, 27, etc., where the player must place the chip on the edge of the last line of the row. Street betting, we will have a chance to win 1 in 12 or About 8%, the payout rate is 11 times, excluding capital.
– Corner
It is one of the multiple number overlapping bets. In which corner bets can choose 4 adjacent numbers, such as 1, 2, 4, 5 or 11, 12, 14, 15, etc., the player must place the chip on the intersection of all 4 boxes. We will have a chance of winning 4 in 37 or about 11%. The payout rate is 8 times excluding capital.
– Line
It is one of the multiple number overlapping bets. There is a betting style similar to Street, different in that Line is a bet on 6 numbers that are in a row next to each other, such as 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 or 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, etc. The player must place the chip on the last line between the two rows, such as between 1 and 4, or between 19 and 22, etc. Line bets, we have a chance of winning 1 in 6 or about 17%. The payout rate is 5 times. not including capital
– Group bets 0, 00, 1-3 are specific bets. Which forms of bets and have the following payout rates
– Place a chip at 0 or 00 only, the payout rate is 17 times, excluding capital.
– Place a chip at the intersection between 0,1,2 or 0,2,3, called 3-digit bet, payout rate 11 times, excluding capital
– Placing a chip on the line between 0 and 1 is a total bet of 0,1,2,3, a payout rate of 8 times, excluding capital.